Friday, April 23, 2010

Modern Music Continued-Oh Yes, I Have More...

Through my own personal genius (no, no, there's no need to write any comments of praise; you can just tell me in person), I have come up with an excellent example of the musical differences between then and now. I already posted a video of Don McClean's "American Pie," which obviously is a masterpiece of lyric and music syntehesis. Yet did you know that in 2000, a certain female artist by the name of Madonna attempted to do a respectable cover of this sacred song? As you can see, she failed quite miserably...

Now, you could always argue that since Madonna was more of an 80s artist, using her as an example of modern music is a bit of a copout. Yet Madonna attempted this cover as a way of gaining popularity with a modern audience that wanted this kind of music. By doing so, though, she destroyed the essence of the song; the music simply does not sync with the music. This is a great example of what happens when artists decide to change a song in order to give it more appeal to an audience that has become used to inferior music: they simply are forcefed even worse music.

Until next time,


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