Friday, April 16, 2010

The Hills are Alive...

Hello, world. If you stumbled upon this blog looking for something else, then congratulations! You just discovered the most fantastic, stunning, and super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot blog on this site! What, you may be asking yourself in your extreme excitement at this monumental discovery, is this blog all about? Well, new friend, this blog tackles one of the most timeless creations in the history of mankind: music.

However, if you are looking for a blog from a hardcore dude with a fetish for screamo or a Justin Bieber fan page, you are certainly reading the wrong blog. Instead, I intend to analyze music through a philosophical lens, making observation on the emotional, mental, and physical effects of music on the human person. However, since that sounds extremely boring, and I would never want to bore you, the beloved reader, I plan on sprinkling in several Youtube videos or audio clips for both entertainment and discussion. Stay posted on my...posts!

Until next time,


  1. Is it bad that when I read "mega-foxy" my brain automatically made that into "Megan Fox"? ...

  2. Haha nice. Technically it was a reference to AVPM, but your reference is equally amusing.
